Hopeful illustration
Hi! I’m Painted Isla,
Welcome to my website, I’ve tried to make it a happy place.
Here you’ll find: My Portfolio and bio, workshops, and opportunities to buy and commission my work.

Creative Strategies workshop
Explore different paths of creative thinking with this workshop designed to question medium, message, motifs and more! In this class you will try different creative exercises, games, and creative workouts. Workshop includes a list for further reading and notes so you don’t have to worry about taking any!
Crash Course into Comics
Immerse yourself in the playful world of cartoons, comics, and graphic novels with this crash course into the genre. We will cover both traditional and digital techniques, historical and contemporary inspirations, as well as further resources to help you on your artist’s journey. Workshop includes a list for further reading and notes so you don’t have to worry about taking any!
Procreate Basics worksop
Make digital art fun and easy with this introduction procreate for the ipad. Digital art programs can be as intimidating as a flight deck, but in this workshop I will guide you through all the basics (and non-basics if you want! ) and answer any and all the questions you have along the way. Workshop includes a zine with all the tips and tricks so you don’t have to sweat taking notes.